Workforce rent agency for your business

HireLink provides flexible and cost-effective staffing solutions that are tailored to your company’s needs.

Our dedicated team of specialists aim to ensure that your organization has the right individuals with the precise skills to thrive.

We currently offer our services in DenmarkSweden, Finland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece.

Kaunis mäevaade

Welcome To HireLink

workforce rent agency for your business

HireLink provides flexible and cost-effective staffing solutions that are tailored to your company’s needs.

Our dedicated team of specialists aim to ensure that your organization has the right individuals with the precise skills to thrive.

We currently offer our services in DenmarkSweden, Finland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece.

Professional sommelier looks at bottle of expensive wine.


We offer workforce rent solutions for your projects

HireLink provides workers that have the skills, experience & qualifications needed to succeed in their roles.

fill in the contact form or Call one of our recruitment specialist.

HireLink specialists will find you an employee or employees that meet your demands.


CEO, Recruitment specialist l +372 5909 2772

Jaagup jõgela

CEO, Recruitment specialist l +372 5330 0485

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